A little ditty

In our house, we love the Lego Movie. And sometimes when I get bored or frustrated with work, I change the words to songs to help lighten my mood. So today, Elise and I came up with this (to the tune of “Everything is Awesome”) :

Everyone is angry!
Everyone is mad ’cause they’re all Pharisees.
Everyone is angry,
And they live in Galilee.

Maybe we’ll write a verse next week 😉

The right words

Have you ever had an idea that you really wanted to share with the world? Usually, when I have an idea that ignites my passion, I want to share it. The only problem is that I also want it to be perfect before I share it.

Some of my favorite bloggers have recently been posting about bravery. I have been clued in to an awesome “brave” playlist that continually leaves me with this awesome song stuck in my head. I have been reading incredible verses that remind me that my worth is found in Christ alone. Yet when I begin to type out my words, I fight for control. I want to say all the things perfectly.

This is not possible, just FYI.Recently, I have been typing and saving (and NOT publishing) a few posts about a topic that I am passionate about. So much for bravery.

Then, last week, a blogger that I only-sometimes-kinda-like-but-mostly-find-annoying published a post about MY topic. (There is so much wrong with that sentence and the emotions in it, but let’s focus on the “I’m a chicken” part.) I was so frustrated, but God has used it to remind me that I do not have to be perfect. My posts do not have to be perfect. I act as though a perfect post will gain me acceptance or love. Yet the only thing that matters is the only One who truly was (is) perfect. As another of my favorite blogs wrote so beautifully,

Beloved, let’s not beg for follows so much as we beg for the boldness to follow Jesus when it will cost us everything.”

So now I am asking forgiveness for not trusting the passion He gives me. I am asking for boldness to let the words go. And I am asking to trust that, no matter the response, His love will hold me and He will think no less of me. I keep forgetting that this is one of my favorite verses:

“For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline.”
2 Timothy 1:7

Peter Piper’s response

What do you think about when you can’t seem to fall asleep? My mind often begins racing just as my body is desperately ready for rest.

When I was younger, my dad often read me Dr. Seuss’ The Glunk that got Thunk. In this story, a young girl enjoys spending her evenings thinking. But when her Thinker-Upper gets out of hand, she thinks up a crazy creature called a Glunk.

When my mind would spin at night (which led to endless repetitions of “Wait, Dad! One more question. . . “), my dad would tell me to “turn off my Thinker-Upper.” I still have to remind my Thinker-Upper to shut itself down most nights.

A few weeks ago, as I tried vainly to turn off my brain, my Thinker-Upper decided to write a response to the classic tongue twister “Peter Piper.” You are probably familiar with the original ditty:

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
Where’s the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?
(Or How many pickled peppers did Peter Piper pick?)

Here is Peter’s response, courtesy of my Thinker-Upper:

“You can’t pick pickled peppers,” Peter Piper piped.
For a pepper’s not been pickled
‘Till the pickler’s packed it tight!